Shipping & Warranty policies

All items sold on Yourbuildmart website come with Manufacturer’s warranty terms & will be serviced by Manufacturer. The estimated time may differ from one item to another. Customers can check the Delivery time and product availability in his/her locality on the website.

We procure and ship the items within the time specified on the item details page. Some items have to be imported from outside India. These items can take 90 to 120 or more days to reach you. You can always rest assured that you will receive your order within the time specified manner.

We process all deliveries through Transport & Channel partners. If your order contains any critical items, we will get in touch with you and try to work out a convenient alternate delivery location that is serviced by our channel partners.

All items/consignment will be insured by a third-party inspection before dispatching the order and the approved certificate will also be given to the customer for necessary action in case of any damage being done during the shipment.

All products should be checked thoroughly during delivery for any incidental damages. No claim, except manufacturing defect will be entertained once the product is delivered & money received.

All the necessary documents will be provided by us for the custom clearance.

Severability Clause

Should one of the provisions of these Website Terms of Use be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable by a court, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms.

Choice of Law, Jurisdiction and Venue

The use of the E-commerce Website and the Website Terms of Use are governed by the laws of India. The courts of New Delhi alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any disputes arising from or in connection with the use of the Website or its Terms of Use.